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Inclusive Tests

This feature is the inverse of .only(). By appending .skip(), you may tell Mocha to ignore test case(s). Anything skipped will be marked as pending, and reported as such. Here’s an example of skipping an individual test:

describe("Array", function () {
describe("#indexOf()", function () {
it.skip("should return -1 unless present", function () {
// this test will not be run
it("should return the index when present", function () {
// this test will be run

You can also put .skip() on an entire suite. This is equivalent to appending .skip() onto all tests in the suite. Hooks in the suite are also skipped.

describe("Array", function () {
describe.skip("#indexOf()", function () {
it("should return -1 unless present", function () {
// this test will not be run

Note: Code in skipped suites, that is placed outside of hooks or tests is still executed, as mocha will still invoke the suite function to build up the suite structure for visualization.

You may also skip at runtime using this.skip(). If a test needs an environment or configuration which cannot be detected beforehand, a runtime skip is appropriate. For example:

it('should only test in the correct environment', function() {
if (/* check test environment */) {
// make assertions
} else {

The above test will be reported as pending. It’s also important to note that calling this.skip() will effectively abort the test.

Contrast the above test with the following code:

it('should only test in the correct environment', function() {
if (/* check test environment */) {
// make assertions
} else {
// do nothing

Because this test does nothing, it will be reported as passing.

To skip multiple tests in this manner, use this.skip() in a “before all” hook:

before(function() {
if (/* check test environment */) {
// setup code
} else {

This will skip all it, beforeEach/afterEach, and describe blocks within the suite. before/after hooks are skipped unless they are defined at the same level as the hook containing this.skip().

describe("outer", function () {
before(function () {
after(function () {
// will be executed
describe("inner", function () {
before(function () {
// will be skipped
after(function () {
// will be skipped

Before Mocha v3.0.0, this.skip() was not supported in asynchronous tests and hooks.