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Command-Line Usage

Running npx mocha --help will show the full list of available commands:

mocha [spec..]
Run tests with Mocha
mocha inspect [spec..] Run tests with Mocha [default]
mocha init <path> create a client-side Mocha setup at <path>
Rules & Behavior
--allow-uncaught Allow uncaught errors to propagate [boolean]
-A, --async-only Require all tests to use a callback (async)
or return a Promise [boolean]
-b, --bail Abort ("bail") after first test failure
--check-leaks Check for global variable leaks [boolean]
--delay Delay initial execution of root suite
--dry-run Report tests without executing them[boolean]
--exit Force Mocha to quit after tests complete
--pass-on-failing-test-suite Not fail test run if tests were failed
[boolean] [default: false]
--fail-zero Fail test run if no test(s) encountered
--forbid-only Fail if exclusive test(s) encountered
--forbid-pending Fail if pending test(s) encountered[boolean]
--global, --globals List of allowed global variables [array]
-j, --jobs Number of concurrent jobs for --parallel;
use 1 to run in serial
[number] [default: (number of CPU cores - 1)]
-p, --parallel Run tests in parallel [boolean]
--retries Retry failed tests this many times [number]
-s, --slow Specify "slow" test threshold (in
milliseconds) [string] [default: 75]
-t, --timeout, --timeouts Specify test timeout threshold (in
milliseconds) [string] [default: 2000]
-u, --ui Specify user interface
[string] [default: "bdd"]
Reporting & Output
-c, --color, --colors Force-enable color output [boolean]
--diff Show diff on failure
[boolean] [default: true]
--full-trace Display full stack traces [boolean]
--inline-diffs Display actual/expected differences
inline within each string [boolean]
-R, --reporter Specify reporter to use
[string] [default: "spec"]
-O, --reporter-option, Reporter-specific options
--reporter-options (<k=v,[k1=v1,..]>) [array]
--config Path to config file [string] [default: (nearest rc file)]
-n, --node-option Node or V8 option (no leading "--") [array]
--package Path to package.json for config [string]
File Handling
--extension File extension(s) to load
[array] [default: ["js","cjs","mjs"]]
--file Specify file(s) to be loaded prior to root suite
execution [array] [default: (none)]
--ignore, --exclude Ignore file(s) or glob pattern(s)
[array] [default: (none)]
--recursive Look for tests in subdirectories [boolean]
-r, --require Require module [array] [default: (none)]
-S, --sort Sort test files [boolean]
-w, --watch Watch files in the current working directory for
changes [boolean]
--watch-files List of paths or globs to watch [array]
--watch-ignore List of paths or globs to exclude from watching
[array] [default: ["node_modules",".git"]]
Test Filters
-f, --fgrep Only run tests containing this string [string]
-g, --grep Only run tests matching this string or regexp [string]
-i, --invert Inverts --grep and --fgrep matches [boolean]
Positional Arguments
spec One or more files, directories, or globs to test
[array] [default: ["test"]]
Other Options
-h, --help Show usage information & exit [boolean]
-V, --version Show version number & exit [boolean]
--list-interfaces List built-in user interfaces & exit [boolean]
--list-reporters List built-in reporters & exit [boolean]
Mocha Resources

Rules & Behavior


By default, Mocha will attempt to trap uncaught exceptions thrown from running tests and report these as test failures. Use --allow-uncaught to disable this behavior and allow uncaught exceptions to propagate. Will typically cause the process to crash.

This flag is useful when debugging particularly difficult-to-track exceptions.

--async-only, -A

Enforce a rule that tests must be written in “async” style, meaning each test provides a done callback or returns a Promise. Non-compliant tests will be marked as failures.

--bail, -b

Causes Mocha to stop running tests after the first test failure it encounters. Corresponding “after each” and “after all” hooks are executed for potential cleanup.

--bail does not imply --exit.


Use this option to have Mocha check for global variables that are leaked while running tests. Specify globals that are acceptable via the --global option (for example: --check-leaks --global jQuery --global MyLib).



Delay initial execution of root suite.

See Delayed Root Suite.


Report tests without executing any of them, neither tests nor hooks.


Prior to version v4.0.0, by default, Mocha would force its own process to exit once it was finished executing all tests. This behavior enables a set of potential problems; it’s indicative of tests (or fixtures, harnesses, code under test, etc.) which don’t clean up after themselves properly. Ultimately, “dirty” tests can (but not always) lead to false positive or false negative results.

“Hanging” most often manifests itself if a server is still listening on a port, or a socket is still open, etc. It can also be something like a runaway setInterval(), or even an errant Promise that never fulfilled.

The default behavior in v4.0.0 (and newer) is --no-exit, where previously it was --exit.

The easiest way to “fix” the issue is to pass --exit to the Mocha process. It can be time-consuming to debug — because it’s not always obvious where the problem is — but it is recommended to do so.

To ensure your tests aren’t leaving messes around, here are some ideas to get started:


If set to true, Mocha returns exit code 0 even if there are failed tests during the run.


Fail test run if no tests are encountered with exit-code: 1.


Enforce a rule that tests may not be exclusive (use of e.g., describe.only() or it.only() is disallowed).

--forbid-only causes Mocha to fail when an exclusive (“only’d”) test or suite is encountered, and it will abort further test execution.


Enforce a rule that tests may not be skipped (use of e.g., describe.skip(), it.skip(), or this.skip() anywhere is disallowed).

--forbid-pending causes Mocha to fail when a skipped (“pending”) test or suite is encountered, and it will abort further test execution.

--global <variable-name>

Define a global variable name. For example, suppose your app deliberately exposes a global named app and YUI, you may want to add --global app --global YUI.

--global accepts wildcards. You could do --global '*bar' and it would match foobar, barbar, etc. You can also pass in '*' to ignore all globals.

--global can accept a comma-delimited list; --global app,YUI is equivalent to --global app --global YUI.

By using this option in conjunction with --check-leaks, you can specify an allowlist of known global variables that you expect to leak into global scope.

--jobs <count>, -j <count>

Use --jobs <count> to specify the maximum number of processes in the worker pool.

The default value is the number of CPU cores less 1.

Has no effect unless used with --parallel.

--parallel, -p

Use the --parallel flag to run tests in a worker pool.

Each test file will be put into a queue and executed as workers become available.

--retries <n>

Retries failed tests n times.

Mocha does not retry test failures by default.

--slow <ms>, -s <ms>

Specify the “slow” test threshold in milliseconds. Mocha uses this to highlight test cases that are taking too long. “Slow” tests are not considered failures.

--timeout <ms>, -t <ms>

Specifies the test case timeout, defaulting to two (2) seconds (2000 milliseconds). Tests taking longer than this amount of time will be marked as failed.

To override you may pass the timeout in milliseconds, or a value with the s suffix, e.g., --timeout 2s and --timeout 2000 are equivalent.

To disable timeouts, use --timeout 0.

--ui <name>, -u <name>

The --ui option lets you specify the interface to use, defaulting to bdd.

Reporting & Output

--color, -c, --colors

“Force” color output to be enabled, or alternatively force it to be disabled via --no-color. By default, Mocha uses the supports-color module to decide.

In some cases, color output will be explicitly suppressed by certain reporters outputting in a machine-readable format.


When possible, show the difference between expected and actual values when an assertion failure is encountered.

This flag is unusual in that it defaults to true; use --no-diff to suppress Mocha’s own diff output.

Some assertion libraries will supply their own diffs, in which case Mocha’s will not be used, regardless of the default value.

Mocha’s own diff output does not conform to any known standards, and is designed to be human-readable.

By default strings are truncated to 8192 characters before generating a diff. This is to prevent performance problems with large strings.

It can however make the output harder to interpret when comparing large strings. Therefore it is possible to configure this value using --reporter-option maxDiffSize=[number].

A value of 0 indicates no limit, default is 8192 characters.


Enable “full” stack traces. By default, Mocha attempts to distill stack traces into less noisy (though still useful) output.

This flag is helpful when debugging a suspected issue within Mocha or Node.js itself.


Enable “inline” diffs, an alternative output for diffing strings.

Useful when working with large strings.

Does nothing if an assertion library supplies its own diff output.

--reporter <name>, -R <name>

Specify the reporter that will be used, defaulting to spec.

Allows use of third-party reporters. For example, mocha-lcov-reporter may be used with --reporter mocha-lcov-reporter after it has been installed.

--reporter-option <option>, -O <option>, --reporter-options <option>

Provide options specific to a reporter in <key>=<value> format, e.g., --reporter tap --reporter-option tapVersion=13.

Not all reporters accept options.

Can be specified as a comma-delimited list.


--config <path>

Specify an explicit path to a configuration file.

By default, Mocha will search for a config file if --config is not specified; use --no-config to suppress this behavior.

--node-option <name>, -n <name>

For Node.js and V8 options. Mocha forwards these options to Node.js by spawning a new child-process.

The options are set without leading dashes --, e.g. -n require=foo -n unhandled-rejections=strict

Can also be specified as a comma-delimited list: -n require=foo,unhandled-rejections=strict

--opts <path>

--package <path>

Specify an explicit path to a package.json file (ostensibly containing configuration in a mocha property).

By default, Mocha looks for a package.json in the current working directory or nearest ancestor, and will use the first file found (regardless of whether it contains a mocha property); to suppress package.json lookup, use --no-package.

File Handling

--extension <ext>

Files having this extension will be considered test files. Defaults to js.

Specifying --extension will remove .js as a test file extension; use --extension js to re-add it. For example, to load .mjs and .js test files, you must supply --extension mjs --extension js.

The option can be given multiple times. The option accepts a comma-delimited list: --extension a,b is equivalent to --extension a --extension b.

--extension now supports multipart extensions (e.g., spec.js), leading dots (.js) and combinations thereof (.spec.js);

--file <file>

Explicitly include a test file to be loaded before other test files. Multiple uses of --file are allowed, and will be loaded in order given.

Useful if you want to declare, for example, hooks to be run before every test across all other test files.

Files specified this way are not affected by --sort or --recursive.

Files specified in this way should contain one or more suites, tests or hooks. If this is not the case, consider --require instead.

--ignore <file|directory|glob>, --exclude <file|directory|glob>,

Explicitly ignore one or more test files, directories or globs (e.g., some/**/files*) that would otherwise be loaded.

Can be specified multiple times.

Files specified using --file are not affected by this option.


When looking for test files, recurse into subdirectories.

See --extension for defining which files are considered test files.

--require <module>, -r <module>

Require a module before loading the user interface or test files. This is useful for:

  • Test harnesses
  • Assertion libraries that augment built-ins or global scope (such as should.js)
  • Compilers such as Babel via @babel/register or TypeScript via ts-node (using --require ts-node/register). See Babel or TypeScript working examples.

Modules required in this manner are expected to do work synchronously; Mocha won’t wait for async tasks in a required module to finish.

--sort, -S

Sort test files (by absolute path) using Array.prototype.sort.

--watch, -w

Rerun tests on file changes.

The --watch-files and --watch-ignore options can be used to control which files are watched for changes.

Tests may be rerun manually by typing ⓡ ⓢ ⏎ (same shortcut as nodemon).

--watch-files <file|directory|glob>

List of paths or globs to watch when --watch is set. If a file matching the given glob changes or is added or removed mocha will rerun all tests.

If the path is a directory all files and subdirectories will be watched.

By default all files in the current directory having one of the extensions provided by --extension and not contained in the node_modules or .git folders are watched.

The option can be given multiple times. The option accepts a comma-delimited list: --watch-files a,b is equivalent to --watch-files a --watch-files b.

--watch-ignore <file|directory|glob>

List of paths or globs to exclude from watching. Defaults to node_modules and .git.

To exclude all files in a directory it is preferable to use foo/bar instead of foo/bar/**/*. The latter will still watch the directory foo/bar but will ignore all changes to the content of that directory.

The option can be given multiple times. The option accepts a comma-delimited list: --watch-ignore a,b is equivalent to --watch-ignore a --watch-ignore b.

Test Filters

--fgrep <string>, -f <string>

Cause Mocha to only run tests having titles containing the given string.

Mutually exclusive with --grep.

--grep <regexp>, -g <regexp>

Cause Mocha to only run tests matching the given regexp, which is internally compiled to a RegExp.

Suppose, for example, you have “api” related tests, as well as “app” related tests, as shown in the following snippet; One could use --grep api or --grep app to run one or the other. The same goes for any other part of a suite or test-case title, --grep users would be valid as well, or even --grep GET.

And another option with double quotes: --grep "groupA|groupB".

And for more complex criteria: --grep "/get/i". Some shells as e.g. Git-Bash-for-Windows may require: --grep "'/get/i'". Using flags other than the ignoreCase /i (especially /g and /y) may lead to unpredictable results.

describe("api", function () {
describe("GET /api/users groupA", function () {
it("respond with an array of users", function () {
// ...
describe("app", function () {
describe("GET /users groupB", function () {
it("respond with an array of users", function () {
// ...

Mutually exclusive with --fgrep.


Use the inverse of the match specified by --grep or fgrep.

Requires either --grep or --fgrep (but not both).

Other Options

--inspect, --inspect-brk, inspect

Enables Node.js’ inspector.

Use --inspect / --inspect-brk to launch the V8 inspector for use with Chrome Dev Tools.

Use inspect to launch Node.js’ internal debugger.

All of these options are mutually exclusive.

Implies --timeout 0.

About Option Types

Each flag annotated of type [boolean] in Mocha’s --help output can be negated by prepending --no- to the flag name. For example, --no-color will disable Mocha’s color output, which is enabled by default.

Unless otherwise noted, all boolean flags default to false.

About node Flags

The mocha executable supports all applicable flags which the node executable supports.

These flags vary depending on your version of Node.js.

node flags can be defined in Mocha’s configuration.


If the --enable-source-maps flag is passed to Mocha, source maps will be collected and used to provide accurate stack traces for transpiled code:

Terminal window
Error: cool
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/fake-user/bigco/nodejs-tasks/build/src/index.js:27:7)
-> /Users/fake-user/bigco/nodejs-tasks/src/index.ts:24:7

About V8 Flags

Prepend --v8- to any flag listed in the output of node --v8-options (excluding --v8-options itself) to use it.

V8 flags can be defined in Mocha’s configuration.